Beauty Therapy and Skin Care

The skin care treatments available to you at Boden Skincare include state of the art techniques and technologies. 

The skin care possibilities available today are nothing short of astounding and I am so pleased to be able to offer you the most impressive range available in our area outside of the most luxury hotels and spas. In fact, I'd challenge any luxury hotel or spa to offer more or better.

You can choose to look after, repair or enhance your skin from the following options, all of which are available as a stand alone treatment or as part of a facial / skincare treatment package.

Carbon Laser Facial

Also known as the Hollywood Peel due to the prevalence of Hollywood's great and good using this as a central element of their skin care routines, Carbon laser facials have become the beauty magazine and celebrity treatment of choice. The reason is simple - it works. The difference is noticeable almost immediately and improves with every session you have.

Carbon laser facials work by placing a thin layer of carbon paste on the skin and gently exploding it with a high intensity laser beam. Despite how that sounds it is entirely pain free and magnificently effective..

Carbon laser facials are especially good treating ageing, dry or oily, open pored, blackhead or acne affected skin. Even without those conditions a carbon laser facial will enhance and return your skin to a glowing and healthy radiance.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

IPL or "Intense Pulsed Light" therapy is a skin rejuvenation technique that the over 40's especially should consider.

As you age the skin puts less and less effort into looking after itself. Fine lines develop, micro-muscles relax, repetitive expression creases begin to embed permanently and what makes it worse is that your own rejuvenation processes pretty much start to give up.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy works by sending a focused beam of light deep into the dermis in order to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

Non Surgical Facelift (Silhouette Dermalift)

A non surgical facelift treats the underlying muscle tone beneath your skin. By stimulating the muscles with micro currents I can provide your face with a regular workout that over a course of treatments will improve the muscle tone and lift and tighten those areas. The results can be dramatic!

The Dermalift non surgical facelift is obviously great for those of us for whom 40 is becoming more of a memory but increasingly younger people are seeking similar benefits. 

Whatever your reason you won't regret booking a course! 


Microneedling is a fantastic skin rejuvenation treatment that enables the introduction of specially formulated serums beneath the epidermis to the layer beneath where they can have the most impact. 

Utilising surgical quality and sterile needles deployed from a special microneedling pen, you will benefit from the high quality vitamin A based serum more noticeably than from surface application. Almost entirely pain free, your skin and your mirror will thank you!

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel's have been around for a long time now and benefit from the increasingly perfect formulations of the peeling agent. All natural, gentle and highly effective, my chemical peel treatment provides maximum exfoliation with minimal downtime.

The stimulation provided by the Glycolic Acid based serum doesn't cause excessive redness but it does strip the dull, dead outer layers of your skin and encourage the production of collagen for ongoing enhancement.


MicroDermabrasion is an exfoliation treatment that uses a specially designed polishing tool that gently abrades the outer layers of your skin to reveal the new, fresh skin underneath. Less intrusive than a chemical peel it still provides the deep exfoliation that you will enjoy the benefits of and, due to the physical stimulation provided by the polishing head, your dermis will ramp up production of that vital and enhancing collagen.

LED Light Therapy

LED Light Therapy is a non invasive treatment for anti-ageing but more particularly for the treatment of oily skin and acne. it is also extremely effective in the promotion of healing and skin regeneration following more invasive treatments such as microneedling, mesotherapy and IPL. 


Mesotherapy is a highly targeted method of introducing advanced skincare serums to specific areas of the face where the most attention is needed. Using a surgical quality and sterile syringe I am able to inject directly into the uppermost layers of your skin. The serums I use are specially prepared and contain a mixture of hyaluronic acid, vitamin A (retinol) and other beneficial natural ingredients to maximise the ongoing benefit you will feel and see.


Dermaplaning is an exfoliation treatment that will leave you astounded at the results. I use a surgical quality and sterile scalpel blade to gently (and safely) scrape the outer layer of your old, dead skin cells together with the fine, peach fuzz hairs we all have.

The results are dramatic. Your skin will feel instantly smoother, cleaner and more radiant and because the blade removes all of the hair, you will be particularly impressed when you next apply your own skincare products and make up!

Smart Hydrofacial

Smart Hydrofacial is a skin resurfacing treatment that combines deep cleansing, mild exfoliation with hydration and antioxidant infusion, and protection for a luxurious facial experience.

The Smart Hydrofacial treatment uses vortex fusion technology that works as a gentle vacuum to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, extract and infuse essential nutrients deep into the skin.

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